Leaders or followers?

Asservis ou assertifs

Do you develop the art of leadership or followership?

A little humor to highlight certain paradoxes and dangers of our time… At a time when we are supposed to communicate more, the temptation to follow and relay information can sometimes
alter the self-assertion of the communicator, the salesperson or the manager.

For any person, it is easier to follow the law of social evidence, for example to follow information that has "x views", or "x likes", and to judge it "relevant" than to actually express oneself, to keep
and develop one's positive critical sense.


Assertiveness 2.0 is real and everyone must take care of it.

Social proof is one of the levers of influence, a psychological mechanism that we naturally follow, accentuated in recent years by the impact of followers and characters “popular” or real influence.
Who hasn't been caught watching a bad video one day being influenced by the number of likes?

Before, the advertising hook was “98% of users recommend it”, now it is “300,000 followers” follow it…

And so leadership is also important on networks!

Obviously, entrepreneurs are right to rely on this powerful marketing tool that is networks, taking care to remain ethical.

The risk of enslavement is very great, the gurus of good or bad omen appear on the web, dispensing healing power… Attention, it is not because a person has much influence on the networks that he is reliable, expert or that he has ethics. So it's better to develop assertiveness *!

When life on the networks is more intense than real life, the risk of enslavement is great and has been confirmed by the enrollment of young prey in the worst scenarios.


Leaders don't create followers, they create other leaders! Tom peters

My 7 tips and watch points

  1. Develop your network in a built way and by a real choice: knowledge, talent, messages, relevance.
  2. Develop your leadership on networks: write your own messages without being tempted to copy, networks are an opportunity to express yourself while revealing your personality
  3. Dare to relay information that touches you even if it doesn't have a lot of "I like".
  4. Be assertive in difficult situations!
  5. Boost your confidence and self-esteem.
  6. Ask the right questions when you go further in rapid network collaboration. Check the information of your influencers by real testimonies.
  7. Find a good balance between your time on the networks and your involvement in developing real and lasting relationships.

* Assertiveness: the art of communicating effectively and asserting oneself serenely in difficult situations of tension and emotion.

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