
Apprenez à jouer avec vos 7 intelligences©
Tout le monde riait de l’intelligence artificielle il y a quelques années, certains rient moins aujourd’hui quand on voit les prouesses et les dérives possibles… Quand dans tout projet, tout dépendra du cerveau et de l’éthique de celui ou de...
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Chaque jour est toujours un premier jour grâce à la spontanéité !
Texte écrit en spontanéité en allant à l'émission de la RTBF, à laquelle j'étais invitée par Sylvie Honoré, dans "la vie du bon côté" Je suis fière d'avoir réussit à démocratiser le mot "spontanéité" dans le monde formaté et de...
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A dialogue of the deaf?
I have just experienced a suspended, unexpected, spontaneous, decompartmentalized moment, full of empathy and humanity! Louise Minair is an entrepreneur that I discovered through her very moving pitch, on Club House, in the room Feed that I co-host. It...
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An off-screen call, by Marine Zana
I pull on the cord, on the telephone line, as if to hold back this conversation a little. We were on February 9, in the morning. I was about to discuss a potential collaboration, only this telephone interview will have finally been ...
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Réseaux sociaux meute illustration PEK Philippe-Elie Kassabi
Social networks: the new packs! [WPPV-TOTAL-VIEWS]
Man, finally human, is a being of a pack, like the wolf. The relationship, the emotions, the interactions, the conflicts are our social modes and although we are in the individualistic era, of personal branding, this human always seems to need ...
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La résilience selon Sylvaine Messica, illustration Philippe-Elie Kassabi crédit PEK
Resilience after the crisis… How to restart positively?
Soon deconfinement! Great ! What are we going to do with this period? What is the psychological shock left on the collective and the individual? Resilience is the prerogative of leaders who learn to build in difficulty. Does each ...
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Les femmes ont-elles la parole en 2020 ? Dessin Pek article de Sylvaine Messica
To be a woman in 2020?
"Woman of the 80s and woman to the tips of her breasts, having succeeded in amalgamating authority and charm", said Michel Sardou ... who has since made a very sexist clip of his own song ... Oh the beautiful image of the woman ...
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Podcast Sud Radio “Parcours de vie”, Sylvaine Messica…. and atypical article!
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I take advantage of the post to finally talk about being atypical, multipotential, zebra, "slasheuse" ... I don't really like to put a name there, I live through a personal vision and values, I evolve, I create, I sometimes fail, I change, I ...
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Sylvaine Messica et la spontanéité
Break the codes and unleash your creativity in all spontaneity!
Kenzo World advertising is amazing and emotionally powerful! Spike Jonze, the director of the film "In the skin of John Malkovitch" features the sublime and mischievous model-actress-dancer Margaret Qualley, with the brilliant choreographer Ryan Heffington, that of ...
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Live show: How to transform your life by reconnecting to your Spontaneity?
  Friday May 17, 10:30 am: 🎬A new LIVE L program is happening: See the Interview and content program by expert and speaker Sylvaine Messica interviewed by Cendrine Genty, journalist: * How to Transform your Life by Re-Connecting to your. ..
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