
Out of the box créativité
"Get out of the box" to get out of the crisis together!
For a year, we have been locked "in a box", that of uncertainty, preservation and limitation of our meetings and we are adapting to respect health protocols. Most companies need to ask their ...
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Prêt-à-penser illustration PEK article Sylvaine Messica
How ready-to-think has become the consumer standard on the internet!
My vision claiming authenticity and spontaneity, therefore full creativity goes against FORMATTING which represents a confinement of thought! But humans obviously love formatting because the consumer society has accustomed them to it: codes ...
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Webinar #1 “Leadership in times of crisis” by Sylvaine Messica
Register for the Webinar "Leadership in Times of Crisis" for component #2 Monday May 4 at 5 pm Register, places limited Launch a webinar, what an idea for a spontaneous in the emotion! This experience is new, going from the conference ...
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Intuition, la puissance de la spontanéité
The leader and the crisis
The leader is a fighter for change and values. Its main asset is its capacity for global analysis. She or he is based on: Intuition: Capturing the meaning and listening to the overall message of the analysis Multidimensional analysis: Where ...
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Le déni
From denial to resilience, managing the crisis
Denial Faced with a shock, a change, with himself, the human being is faced with a certain "Denial". As I tell my learners whatever their hierarchical level, the human being has a "friend" called "Denial", he ...
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Livre La puissance de la spontanéité illustré par Philippe-Elie Kassabi et écrit par Sylvaine Messica
Why is it urgent to become spontaneous again?
At a time when artificial intelligence is adored and digital transformation is ultra rapid ... Companies are constantly changing with the whole of society. We advocated the customer relationship to set up overpowering software, consumption, over-consumption, ...
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The power of spontaneity, the book and the conference!
I am pleased to announce the publication of our book The Power of Spontaneity, published by Eyrolles, after years of preparation, research and above all practice and teaching! I am the author, Sylvaine Messica and ...
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Confiez votre agilité et innovation à de vrais créatifs
Entrust your agility and innovation to real creatives!
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Today we talk a lot about innovation, transformation, liberation ... It requires creativity, agility, talents ... Is it possible to release this creative energy in the company? To release it, it will take a lot of energy, letting go, emotional intelligence ......
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Si, l'innovation pédagogique existe, elle a juste besoin de reconnaissance !
If, educational innovation exists, it just needs recognition!
I just replied to a post titled "innovation in training does not exist", for those who know my approach, it made me want to react, so I am posting my answer to you ... Innovation in vocational training exists, it is also for ...
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