This site is the property of EN HAUT DE L'AFFICHE, registered in the Business and Establishment Directory under number 498064112 00010, whose head office is located at 1 RUE DE JEAN PIGEON, 94220 CHARENTON LE PONT - France.
The director of the publication of this website is Sylvaine Messica as founder of EN HAUT DE L'AFFICHE.
The company Amen SASU | RCS Paris 421 527 797 000 11 | Head office: 12-14, Rond Point des Champs Elysées 75008 Paris.
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EN HAUT DE L'AFFICHE invites website users to report any omissions, errors or corrections by sending an email to the following address: SYLVAINE.MESSICA@ENHAUTDELAFFICHE.FR.
To the credit of Solange GAUTIER
To the credit of Sylvaine Messica and Philippe-Elie Kassabi
To the credit of Philippe Eli Kassabi