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Apprenez à jouer avec vos 7 intelligences©
Tout le monde riait de l’intelligence artificielle il y a quelques années, certains rient moins aujourd’hui quand on voit les prouesses et les dérives possibles… Quand dans tout projet, tout dépendra du cerveau et de l’éthique de celui ou de...
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Chaque jour est toujours un premier jour grâce à la spontanéité !
Texte écrit en spontanéité en allant à l'émission de la RTBF, à laquelle j'étais invitée par Sylvie Honoré, dans "la vie du bon côté" Je suis fière d'avoir réussit à démocratiser le mot "spontanéité" dans le monde formaté et de...
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Comment transformer vos commerciaux en performeurs de la vente ?
How to turn your sales people into sales performers?
Digital transformation requires commercial excellence In a purchasing decision, what makes the difference, at equivalent quality between two competing brands, is always the seller. This adage is even more true in times of crisis or transformation, when the commercial relationship...
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Asservis ou assertifs
Leaders or followers ?
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Do you develop the art of leadership or followership ? A little humour to highlight certain paradoxes and dangers of our time... At a time when we are supposed to communicate more, the temptation to follow and relay information can...
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#4 Be a spontaneous leader to be more collaborative
The leader has every interest in using the levers of spontaneity. And here is the fourth good reason... (part 1 of the Echos Business article published on 22/03/2016 and based on Sylvaine Messica's interview) The spontaneous leader is connected with...
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Indian summer, 2015, AIN in Montreal Canada
Like everytime and more than possible, I join my people for a conference week : The Applied improv network conference. I discover AIN, this movement in movement 6 years ago and 7 years after to start applying improv to leadership...
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Le design thinking - La facilitation by EN HAUT DE L'AFFICHE
Design thinking – Facilitation by EN HAUT DE L’AFFICHE
You will organize a convention soon... You have figures to show them, things to say and do you dream of generating innovation... The place is booked and you also dream of change... You would like your teams to stop listening...
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Grandpa at the top of the bill for his action with young people and his book “Made in Trappes”
Alain Degois is the first trainer who learned me the improvisation when I was 17 when this discipline just born in france during that period, introduced by Leduc and Gravel, Canadians comedians. Grandpa developed a project for the city of...
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Comment transformer vos commerciaux en performeurs de la vente
How to turn your sales people into sales performers?
It's an article that appeared in Tribu, the magazine of the Dirigeants Commerciaux de France
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Abstract from MIT Sloan, Management Review
Strategy as Improvisational Theater By Rosabeth Moss Kanter In following the traditional model of strategy development, a company seeks to craft the best possible plan so that it can be handed off for a predetermined course of execution involving a...
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