
#2 Be spontaneous to be happier!
We have every interest in using the levers of spontaneity. And here is the second good reason ... (part 1 of the Echos Business "managers" article published on 03/22/2016 and based on the interview with Sylvaine Messica) #2 Be spontaneous ...
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1 #Être spontané pour devenir plus créatif
#1 Be spontaneous to become more creative
The leader has every interest in using the levers of spontaneity. And here is the first good reason ... (part 1 of the Echos Business article published on 03/22/2016 and based on the interview with Sylvaine Messica) “The leader ...
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La puissance de la spontanéité : la vidéo du Tedx
The power of spontaneity: the Tedx video
November 21, 2015, in Lille, a week after the Paris attacks. Why talk about this today, I was thinking ... And why not? I also wanted to give them hope. That day, nothing worked as expected, for the ...
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Les 6 leviers du leader spontané
The 6 levers of the spontaneous leader
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A "classic" leader must have charisma to inspire, persuade and lead towards movement and action. The "spontaneous leader" is charismatic and also a conductor who begins to improvise, a pianist who comes out of the score, a leader who ...
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