May 2020

Managers ménagez-vous ! Attention burn-out, article et coaching de Sylvaine Messica, illustration de PEK (crédit)
Managers, take care to get out of the crisis!
What to remember from this period when you are a manager or an employee? Many companies are in the red of business, having had to close their structures, their stores, stop their development and team support project. From uncertainty to overwork, ...
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Hypersensible pendant la crise article de Sylvaine Messica et illustration de Philippe-Elie Kassabi
Hypersensitive during the crisis?
Hypersensitive in this period? For all those who are concerned, it's simple, you are more responsive than average and that is a great quality. The hypersensitive perceive micro signals, I can admit it to you, I am constituted like ...
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Prêt-à-penser illustration PEK article Sylvaine Messica
How ready-to-think has become the consumer standard on the internet!
My vision claiming authenticity and spontaneity, therefore full creativity goes against FORMATTING which represents a confinement of thought! But humans obviously love formatting because the consumer society has accustomed them to it: codes ...
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La résilience selon Sylvaine Messica, illustration Philippe-Elie Kassabi crédit PEK
Resilience after the crisis… How to restart positively?
Soon deconfinement! Great ! What are we going to do with this period? What is the psychological shock left on the collective and the individual? Resilience is the prerogative of leaders who learn to build in difficulty. Does each ...
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Webinar #2 Leadership in Times of Crisis, by Sylvaine Messica
Very happy to have found the participants of last week as well as new ones this week, managers, entrepreneurs, salespeople, directors, HRDs, and from the four corners of France and even the world. I'm starting to...
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