
Chaque jour est toujours un premier jour grâce à la spontanéité !
Texte écrit en spontanéité en allant à l'émission de la RTBF, à laquelle j'étais invitée par Sylvie Honoré, dans "la vie du bon côté" Je suis fière d'avoir réussit à démocratiser le mot "spontanéité" dans le monde formaté et de...
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Out of the box créativité
"Get out of the box" to get out of the crisis together!
For a year, we have been locked "in a box", that of uncertainty, preservation and limitation of our meetings and we are adapting to respect health protocols. Most companies need to ask their ...
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Hypersensible pendant la crise article de Sylvaine Messica et illustration de Philippe-Elie Kassabi
Hypersensitive during the crisis?
Hypersensitive in this period? For all those who are concerned, it's simple, you are more responsive than average and that is a great quality. The hypersensitive perceive micro signals, I can admit it to you, I am constituted like ...
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Prêt-à-penser illustration PEK article Sylvaine Messica
How ready-to-think has become the consumer standard on the internet!
My vision claiming authenticity and spontaneity, therefore full creativity goes against FORMATTING which represents a confinement of thought! But humans obviously love formatting because the consumer society has accustomed them to it: codes ...
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La résilience selon Sylvaine Messica, illustration Philippe-Elie Kassabi crédit PEK
Resilience after the crisis… How to restart positively?
Soon deconfinement! Great ! What are we going to do with this period? What is the psychological shock left on the collective and the individual? Resilience is the prerogative of leaders who learn to build in difficulty. Does each ...
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Webinar #1 “Leadership in times of crisis” by Sylvaine Messica
Register for the Webinar "Leadership in Times of Crisis" for component #2 Monday May 4 at 5 pm Register, places limited Launch a webinar, what an idea for a spontaneous in the emotion! This experience is new, going from the conference ...
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Solidarité avec les soignants Coronavirus covid19
Collective spontaneity: the hope and unity of the people!
The Coronavirus crisis has engendered either selfishness or unity! I would like to highlight the positive spontaneous approaches by grouping a few here: Look how spontaneous and positive people are when they are forced to be ...
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Intuition, la puissance de la spontanéité
The leader and the crisis
The leader is a fighter for change and values. Its main asset is its capacity for global analysis. She or he is based on: Intuition: Capturing the meaning and listening to the overall message of the analysis Multidimensional analysis: Where ...
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Le déni
From denial to resilience, managing the crisis
Denial Faced with a shock, a change, with himself, the human being is faced with a certain "Denial". As I tell my learners whatever their hierarchical level, the human being has a "friend" called "Denial", he ...
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Time stands still, let's fight together against the Coronavirus
1. The shock! There were the beginnings, the atmosphere that changed, the rules of distances, then the formalization, the announcement of confinement! At the time when I am writing to you, I am like you, confined, at home! My children...
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