Intuition, la puissance de la spontanéité

The leader is a fighter for change and values. Its main asset is its capacity for global analysis.

She or he relies on:

  • Intuition: Capturing the meaning and listening to the overall message of the analysis
  • Multidimensional analysis: Where are we in all areas? Analysis of the past: what is virtuous and what is obsolete.
  • Anticipation: How to prevent the dangers of this crisis? What's the worst that can happen?

This is not a pessimist, it is a way of developing forward-looking scenarios.

  • The decision: you see that spontaneity is built and not a simple reactivity. Decide based on all these elements and analyze quickly. Note that the ego (pride) is absent from such a functioning because it causes major errors of judgment to be made!
  • Arbitration: knowing how to change and quickly

In the current Covid19 crisis, the state has just given the green light for Pr Raoult's Chloroquine to treat the sick.

Register for the “The Leader in Times of Crisis” webinar that I host for you

I am also launching remote coaching-training to continue training you during confinement! Information and motivations on Contact us
