January 2017

Comment transformer vos commerciaux en performeurs de la vente ?
How to turn your sales people into sales performers?
Digital transformation requires commercial excellence In a purchasing decision, what makes the difference, at equivalent quality between two competing brands, is always the seller. This adage is even more true in times of crisis or transformation, when the commercial relationship ...
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Comment transformer vos commerciaux en performeurs de la vente ?
How to transform your salespeople into sales performers?
Digital transformation requires commercial excellence In a purchasing decision, what makes the difference, for equivalent quality between two competing brands, is always the seller. This adage is even truer in times of crisis, or transformation, where ...
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Asservis ou assertifs
Leaders or followers?
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Do you develop the art of leadership or followership? A little humor to highlight certain paradoxes and dangers of our time ... At a time when we are supposed to communicate more, the temptation to follow and relay information can ...
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Asservis ou assertifs
Leaders ou Followers ?
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Développez-vous l'art du leadership ou du followership ? Un peu d'humour pour souligner certains paradoxes et dangers de notre époque... A l'heure où nous sommes censés communiquer plus, la tentation de suivre et de relayer l'information peut parfois altérer l'affirmation...
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