Les femmes ont-elles la parole en 2020 ? Dessin Pek article de Sylvaine Messica

"Woman of the 80s and woman to the tips of her breasts, having succeeded in amalgamating authority and charm ”, said Michel Sardou… who has since made a very sexist clip of his own song…

Oh the beautiful image of the sexy woman who succeeds and at the same time a feminist hymn for the time! Feminist means "wanting women to have the same egalitarian status as men". So it's not necessarily an Amazon with a weapon that kills men ...

And where is the woman of the 2020s? And during the crisis?

First of all, I want to say that I am super happy as a woman and that I believe in a positive change in society, hoping that it is not limited to France and that every region of the world understands the supreme interest of equality, it is far from being won on a global level. Culture and education will make all the difference, the fight is here!

Interesting, also to observe the behaviors of women who carry the commitment of women during the Coronavirus crisis! We have seen very few women speak out during the crisis, which clearly shows that they are not actually in power. Yes, we talked about the increase in violence against women during confinement but I still saw a woman call for help on Twitter and obviously, the message is not more than that relayed! Would pretenses be more visible during the crisis?

Today, where are we from the point of view of the representations of women in society?

The revolution on networks is the tree that reveals the forest!

A named hurricane #metoo or its trash version #balance pork landed in 2017, it was so loaded that the floor broke free and is still free. I am very embarrassed by the turn taken after the evening of the Caesars 2020 because we had an opportunity to unite around humanism to change things, the settling of scores is of the order of revenge, understandable and to both reprehensible, revolutions also go through these phases, I hope this will produce positive for women and men, for equality and child protection, above all, and the end of the abuse of power !

In the cinema or in the media, what image of women do we get back?

A woman is often pretty on the screen, often the partner of a man who is the hero, past a certain age, she is often retouched by aesthetic medicine and after 50 years, she is rare on the screen. To believe that the woman over 50 disappears in life, because the screen is supposed to represent life. An association has even been set up on this subject "the tunnel of 50 years" to defend the work of actresses. Moreover, Yann Moix did not deprive himself of his reflection on 50-year-old women who cannot be beautiful, according to him. Young women need to have physical and intellectual landmarks not polished by societal and media censorship or botox! So, things are changing, slowly, slowly ... All taboo subjects are freed, harassment, violence against women, inequality of wages and powers. And the battle is far from over because there are a lot of beliefs to change including in the reasoning of women whose sexism is included in the thought mechanism.

Representation of women in cinema *: Men: 70%        Women: 30%

The longest character on the screen:  Male: 79.3%          Female: 20.7%.

Directors : 91,4%          Directors: 8.6%

Only one woman was awarded the Palme d'Or: Jane Campion, in 1993, for La leçon de piano

Fiction influences society and vice versa, so the numbers give a realistic picture of the stereotypes being conveyed.

What about working life?

Women work a lot and it is no longer necessarily fashionable to take care of your children, because after a few years, you are made to understand that you are guilty and that you should not stop ... who work, even those who undertake and create businesses, and well to be in this category, I would say that it is a bit like if we had to do a race on a quicksand field and that next to us, we saw a smooth running track ridge only for men!

Compulsory parity leads to bias just as it leads to positive discrimination in other areas. Stereotypes will change when the education of children is egalitarian.

The legacy of "patriarchal" society makes us pay for being ambitious, fighter, persevering, because men continue to advance faster with equal skills in high-level spheres. It happened to me to be seated next to a known boss and to have the spontaneous audacity to approach him to prospect him as a client, guess why he gave me an appointment at his office on the Champs Elysées ? To make advances to me! Is it possible to be “business people”?

I still specify that I love working with men, whom I advise, train and coach, they trust me and do not compete or conquer, we are equal partners, and it works ! Because obviously, we are complementary in most cases.

While many of us have a " impostor syndrome “, Moreover this word does not exist in the feminine, which perhaps proves that we cannot be! For us to wear it so many and so strongly, it is because we were made to understand that we should gain our place, and that since childhood. Have dreams and dare to make them come true, ladies! And there, I can also say that I coach a lot of high-level women in companies or managers, in particular to strengthen theself esteem, a sign that the impostor syndrome is wreaking havoc!


  • To be a woman is to fight more to reach the same level
  • it is having to show on the job market that there are no family barriers, it is to prove again and again and including with other women of stature because there is sometimes a kind of rivalry arrived at the top, when it would be so simple and so powerful to be united, all!
  • Being a woman is magic because we give life

We are therefore generous creators.

  • To be a woman is to listen to the world

And want to change it to live in a world of equality.

  • To be a fighting woman is not to act like a "man" 

do not apologize for being pounding! NOTon "Mister Miso" (nod to the character of my song and who is misogynist) "

watch the clip "The daughters of Simone Veil"

  • To be a woman today is just to act in a committed way

And without a pair of…! You thought of what, glasses of course ...

And a man can cry and be moved without having to hide!  Let's stop stereotypical images.

Changing mentalities will require education and I believe a lot in today's youth, especially men!

  • Being a woman is being able to say what you want and do it.

It is living in an egalitarian society, even if it is not the case, the fact of thinking and acting in such a way changes mentalities.

  • To be a woman is just wonderful

a gift of life that allows you to develop in limitless optimism!

Committed, yes, benevolent, yes, egalitarian because I consider men and women to be equal, and I do not like comments hostile to men and counterproductive. To be egalitarian is to be on both sides. It will take approximately 100 years to achieve equality but above all, as a Chinese maxim that I like very much says.

If your plans are for a year, plant rice; at twenty, plant a tree; to morea century, develop men... Chinese proverb



I am rather proud to have had the desire and the intuition to release this word with my conferences, my empowerment workshops and my song "Les filles de Simone Veil", written in 2015, which I myself judged too much. committed, since 2018, it is still programmed on the radio! Small victory, the song had more than 140,000 listeners on Spotify! Great victory of the Benevolent Rebel!

rebelle bienveillante, l'EP de sylvaine messica

Discours de Simone Veil interprétée pendant la conférence de Sylvaine Messica

The power of affirmation by Sylvaine Messica


I seek to connect with those in charge of music festivals, particularly if it is a question of highlighting women, and I intervene in conferences and training in women's networks or companies / organizations which seek to act on the equality!

For listen to the EP Rebelle Bienveillante

RDV Sunday on the morning of Sud Radio, live, special March 8, 2020!

To learn more about my commitment to equality, read the article "Women, equality and Simone Veil"

Excerpts from the conference-show "The power of affirmation", for a request to speak at a conference-show "The power of affirmation" follow-up to a workshop on self-assertion and empowerment.

For a request for training for women in your company

* CNC study sources, Inrocks 2017 article
