Live show: How to transform your life by reconnecting to your Spontaneity?


Friday May 17th, 10:30 am : 🎬A new LIVE L program is being produced: See the show

Interview and content by expert and speaker Sylvaine Messica interviewed by Cendrine Genty, journalist:

* How to Transform Your Life by Reconnecting to Your Spontaneity? * And ... ~ regain self-confidence ~ your uniqueness ~ dare to shatter the impostor syndrome ~ lift its limiting brakes ~ dare to transform an idea into a project ~ allow oneself to leave the framework… or to retrace its contours 😉 ~ succeed in negotiations and develop your turnover ~ dare to be… Self

✨ Guest: Sylvaine MESSICA, Founder of EN HAUT DE L'AFFICHE®, Spontaneity Specialist, Coach, Speaker, Author of "The power of spontaneity, regain its authenticity to live better ”Eyrolles. We will see how the loss of our spontaneity can distance us from our being, our emotions, our essence, our authenticity and block us in the evolution of our professional and personal lives. We will decipher the mechanics of de-construction of spontaneity to allow each (each) to make their personal inventory. And understand how to reconnect to your spontaneity and open up to new opportunities! ✨A program written and hosted by Cendrine Genty ✨ Guest: Sylvaine MESSICA EN HAUT DE L'AFFICHE® 💯% Inspiring, Practical and Inspiring


