Develop management towards spontaneity!


For many years, I have been passionate about supporting major changes, transformations, which I train, coach and teach management with my particular vision of bringing behavioral agility, spontaneity and creativity. ... The more we advance, the more I notice that the management models of companies and organizations are changing, finally, that they pile up without really taking into account the only determining constant: human!

The more we write processes to develop humans, the more we will dispossess them of their intuition and spontaneity!

I will always remember, when I was contacted in a very personal way to create a revolutionary program for ESSEC for a Master in Marketing Management: Training in management through human and emotional educational experience, among other things through applied improvisation management, which was part of my method, which has been enriched even more since. This program lasted 10 years. I was happy to put people back at the center of the company's performance and to teach management that is close to leadership and above all benevolent. Benevolence has been at the heart of my programs since 2002, with a particular way of transforming it. Creativity and agility are also very developed in my approach. In 2006, I trained 2000 managers with my team on leadership and spontaneous management, my client, a pioneer in training and HR, is today a training manager for a multinational and we are developing together team building seminars for its international teams. The results had a great impact on managers and their teams.

Today in companies there are a certain number of injunctions, some of which are paradoxical:

  • Transform and implement digital
  • Manage and drive change as a leader
  • Turning constraints into opportunities (book chapter)
  • Focus on the customer
  • Have values and a QWL (Quality of Life at Work)
  • To be creative
  • Be independent
  • To be super efficient
  • Do not burn-out and avoid them in your team

We are witnessing a great movement of Hackathon, collective intelligence, events, I am also often called upon as well as Philippe-Elie Kassabi, to graphic facilitation and desing thinking.

An essential element is missing: the development of a great posture that would allow all of its problems to be solved in terms of content and form:

  • Innovate management throughout the company
  • Have a shared and above all embodied vision
  • Streamline processes that are too heavy
  • To be a spontaneous leader and creative: and it works out!
  • Use the essential intelligences today for the leader
  • Have regular training to obtain this behavioral agility
  • Trust in personalities atypical and hybrid to achieve it!

When I support a company on these issues, it gives me carte blanche to develop multi-factor skills, and it produces results! Today, I organize experiential team-building seminars and training "The power of spontaneity" and very often the decision-maker asks that each participant have the book at the end, this allows everyone to continue their personal development afterwards. have developed managerial and leadership skills in the experiential training of EN HAUT DE L'AFFICHE, often supported by graphic facilitation made live and allowing values to be developed and engraved over time thanks to visual management. I believe in the development of the manager through regular training, such as a high level athlete should practice it, with a lot of benevolence and requirement.

The transformation is indeed multi-dimensional and continuous over time. Today's manager must ask himself the question of his own training, of coaching his team on a regular basis, even if his company has not thought about it!

10% of managers who contact me for individual training, do so when they return to the company, after having suffered a burnout.

It is better to plan for this part of collective and personal development upstream rather than betting on outperformance and paying a heavy price.

Business investment in transformation processes must focus on managerial training as a priority and support for all stakeholders.

The sponsor of the transformation, must embody it to be disruptive and think about this holistic training solution. Beware of HR functions that are too classic in their approach to intuitively capture the quality of a consultant. Beautiful powerpoint essays do not allow you to meet the challenge you have to take up: Transform by supporting people and allowing them to develop their agile leadership, among other things ...

So when I meet Bülent Uraz, must-see video below, a business school student who has worked in a firm and abroad before, and understand that he has more perspective than some executives on management and that we share this vision of the need for spontaneity as a vehicle for change and decision-making, I am moved and delighted, because it is these 25-year-olds who will soon lead ... And I hope, transform the world positively !

Long live the release of spontaneity in management, to streamline changes, shorten decision-making circuits, in short:

Go from mammoth syndrome to hummingbird intelligence!

The main resource is human and living strength, sometimes to be strengthened and invigorated!

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